Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Preparation Time: 23 years

"If you never take the next step, you'll always be stuck in the same place"

Love . Hmm ok . Love dumped me on a corner and said "I'm sorry" Love told me "you'll be fine" Love took me on a long painful journey just to show me how to let go but best of all love broke me so that i could be molded into a better me. (And yes i meant better not bitter) ..oh love, such a unique character, right.
Well let me start by saying this excerpt is not about a boy that did me wrong. But it does start out that way. The way it ends, and in a lot of ways begins, is all about an unconditional love. A love that at times told me "no" or "not yet" and dealt with all my moods. This particular love took away the "love" I thought I had and replaced it with a genuine i love you no matter what and only want the best for you kind of love. Yes, I'm speaking of God's love. So I was in a situation with a boy where I was content yet still loving it and praying hard that it would all work out in the end. I had a job where I was less content and praying that I could just be a trust fund baby. God answered my prayers. 1st he said NO to that relationship and then he said NOT YET to a new job, you just aren't ready. I didn't know it at the time but when I look back I can see that God was about to take me on a journey but first He needed me to let go .. And let God. God had been preparing me for something better. But of course I was blind to see any good in the situation. I got a call to move my life out of state and i remember telling God, "Ya'know God, I know I said lead and I will follow but this wasnt my plan at all" God laughed soooo hard. If God hadn't told me NO , I'm not sure I would have taken this opportunity. I loved my life and I still miss my friends and family but where I'm at now is such a huge testimony of God's unfailing love for me. You see sometimes God will knock you off your high horse so that you can stand on His word. I know that sometimes things get tough and we face tribulations but think of it as a God preparing us for something greater. The big picture isnt always the most obvious and sometimes God calls us to take that next step without looking down.

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