Monday, November 7, 2011

A woman's intuition

Ok if there's 2 statements/words of wisdom I live by, they would be:
1. There is nothing more powerful than a woman's rage.
2. A womans intuition is usually right on point.
I'm not talking about being a crazy jealous insecure kind of person (because id consider myself a pretty confident dont give a damn person) rather a pretty sane person that suddenly notices a change so to speak.
Let's say you start dating a guy and it's going pretty well like he sends you texts everyday, inquires about future plans for the week and makes plans to see you again so youre thinking eveything is going pretty well. But then one Monday you look at your phone in the morning and although it looks normal displaying the time and such,there's something missing. After you get dressed and reach work you find yourself checking your phone again and you're thinking it's by habit but really it's this uneasy feeling you have. And then it hits you as you scramble to the bottom of your purse to look at your phone, you realize what you were looking for. That good morning text or that sorry I passed out last night text is no where to be found. Not to worry you tell yourself, he's probably still sleeping. 
Ladies 99 % of the problem lies here and it's crucial that you catch it early. This is where we've made that first excuse for the guy and there's no excuse for phasing out anyone. You suddenly find yourself through the middle of the day re checking your texts and wondering if there's something wrong with your phone. Later that day you jump up at the sound of your phone and there's a sigh of relief , it's him. There's no reference to the dead air time between then and yesterday but you forget it and move on like you weren't worried. Ok so now we've reached the part in the phone call or text where intuition is even stronger than before. Men don't think so but women can read a man pretty well ( they aren't the most complicated  species). You hear something in their voice that doesn't sound like how it was before but you can't put your finger on it . The text he sends are kinda short and to the point. You feel like you want this conversation to last so you can figure out the whole issue while at the same time you're wishing the conversation would just end because it's torturous to go through.
When the conversation ends you call your bff just to talk and she asks about him and you explain the situation but pretend that you aren't too concerned but what you're looking for is that confirmation from your BFF saying "well yea dont worry didn't you say he'd be really busy with blah blah blah this weekend" it's so obvious to both of you what's happening but neither want to admit that you are being phased out so instead you make excuses. Over the next week he makes small talk but never makes plans. Your frustration grows fierce and eventually those phone calls and text fade away just like you did from his mind.
My point is follow your first intuition and save yourself the time and frustration. 

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