Monday, August 29, 2011

This too shall pass

Rarely do I ever look in my rear view mirror while driving so why is it that in life I can't take my eyes off my past
As i sit here in this airport i cant help but look around and wonder... Where is everyone going?? Lately I've realized that were all making mistakes, learning, and maturing. Like wine, the more we age the better we get. A lot of people have the assumption that I'm fearless when it comes to that stuff but I'm not. I'm frustrated coming from a generation that's use to having everything handed to them right away. We want to know something or buy something on the go. Easy , just pull out your smart phone and look it up or make the purchase . Patience was never really required in my generation. So when I hear my elders (who had to walk to the library to look up something that i could find out on my iphone in 5 second while driving ) say be patient, your life will work out, you'll find a better guy, that perfect job is right around the corner, our economy is going through a rough time blah blah blah .... I just look at them confused like how could you expect me to be patient when I've never been taught to wait. It took me a  minute to realize why my generation couldn't relate to the one before us. They expect patience from us and we want them to understand we dont have it. My early 20s is frustrating because I don't know what my future will be like and i want to know right now. Truth be told, I'm scared. I'm so ready to be a grown up and start living my new independent life but then I think of the what ifs. Like what if I hate it and I miss my old life. I know that in order to reach your future you have to let go of your past. But what happens if my future is worse than my past? What happens if i let go the relationships and the comfortable home and everything I know behind and my future relationships and home just don't measure up? That's what scares me. But if i dont take that risk of reaching my future, that scares me the most. The last thing I want is some 45 year old that has already figured out their life telling me that my 20s are the best times of my life. I know you know whats it's like to be 20 but do you know what its like to be 20 in the 21st century. That's what I thought. I mean You don't have to agree with me but studies have shown that most of a persons alcohol consumption is done in the early 20s because of a lack of direction a heightened depression and a desire to forget all the stress by drowning your sorrows with grey goose. 
 The future is exciting and kinda scary but I'm learning to have more patience and learning thats it's okay to let go of what i know and embrace change.
When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, remind yourself that's it's not that bad. Jesus says this too shall pass.  

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