Friday, November 4, 2011

Summer fling..don't mean a damn thing

Being seen is very important to most people. Being recognized is whats important to me.  Knowing how you want people to see you is the most difficult part and the most important key in having your OWN style meaning you OWN your look. Fashion is painting yourself the color you want and being happy with that. The only way I thought I could truly paint myself is to create my own look from scratch. Whether it be creating homemade clothes on my singer sewing machine or not mixing, but MATCHING certain pieces of clothes  and accessories together, in this blog I plan on portraying the person I want everyone to notice; the confident woman I am who struggles with her flaws everyday but also able to have fun with it …In style. 

Not everything will be appropriate or grammatically correct, some topics and or outfits might be more risqué than one would like. Point is, Im posting with a purpose (TBA at a later date). There’s a story behind every outfit and I’m here to share the inspiration inside of it all. 

Here’s the story

Somewhere between the I.E and the O.C a boy and a girl fell in love. And somewhere between infidelity and an “unplanned” pregnancy they fell towards the hate category. And somewhere between all of that were summer flings, christmas eves, and fourth of julys full of a secret romance they shared together. We’ve all experienced a summer fling where we create this facade where everything seems to be perfect and at the end of the summer we go back to our real lives WITHOUT the guy. We’re forced to believe that somehow we’re better off without each other even though that guy told you he saw his future with you. I guess he meant that his future ended at the end of summer. I wonder why he told those lies and why at the end of summer he suddenly felt it was time to go back to his family. I’m not saying thats bad. I believe that a family should be together and i commend him on stepping up to the plate. But I don’t understand how he could say he made it perfectly clear that it wouldnt last. Because it wasn’t clear when he held my hand or when he said he loved me or every night we went home ..together. I guess this is where it really needs to end. for good. At the end of the day I’ve said all I can and walked away proud of my outfit which, of course, was tear stained but still clung to my skin and moved effortlessly with every stride I took in those heels. As change would have it, I am definitely ready for winter!

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