Friday, November 4, 2011

Deal breakers

This is about pet peeves that can potentially turn into deal breakers .
My current relationship
Is.. Well .. non existent. Or not yet but in the making. Yea that sounds better.
Ive been Thinking about my current situation and different scenarios ive encountered over time and there are certain things I absolutely love about a man and some things that are point blank deal breakers.
Love it.
*A man with muscles. I don't mean a gym rat but when you can put your arms around me and I can feel that definition it's a good thing.
*if you can pick up the phone and CALL me you have just earned 20 points. Texting is great but a phone call is just perfect for a "just called to see how your day is going or say goodnight" kinda thing.
*Knowledge of ALL the kardashian sisters and not just Kim. It's like okay weve all seen Kim ( in more ways than one) but knowing Kourtney is the best is a true indicator of good pop culture.
* ok , I am not the grammar police but if you made it to 7th grade you should know how to use there,their, and they're. When used correctly it's a turn on but if not .. Well that brings me to deal breakers.
* poor vocabulary - it's so disappointing  to me when a guy asks me "what does that mean?" when in fact I thought my "big word" should be apart of everyday vocab
* (this is for my colored brothas) Please please don't call me bougie because you came up to me with a hunched over back while rubbing your hands together like it's cold saying "hey shawty whatchu tryin to get into tonight can I get chur numba" ain't gon happen
* im all for being a gentleman but holding a door open for me when I'm 20 ft away just pisses me off .. Like I don't wanna run awkwardly to the door when I could have taken my time and swung it open myself
* PDA has always bothered me .. It's just awkward to know people are watching me and whoever else so closely it just feels like an invasion of I've never been a fan until recently  when I can't seem to stop showing off. 
* Refrain from rolling down the window on the passenger side when youre driving. I just feel that each individual should have control of their own window. If I was hot I am fully capable of rolling down my own window ( this rule applies to everyone) so don't ask me if I'm cold when you see me shivering with goosebumps because that in itself should tell you about the temperature my body is feeling.
*last but not least if you ever pat me on the back or on the head or touch me unnecessarilly in any way . Well it's safe to say we won't have relations of any kind. 
My point Is pet peeves can turn into deal breakers if youre not careful. Of course these listed are not all inclusive . I've definitely left out some major things from this list (i.e. Broke, no aspirations, anyone that whistles for fun ect.) but I thought I'd focus solely on recent behavior I've endured. 

Your welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hey shawty, what cho name is?! haha
    And the rolling down the window thing-you would.
    Also, "YOU'RE welcome".
    love youuuu!!!!!!!!
