Friday, November 4, 2011

Thank God I found the GOOD in goodbye

I recently made the decision to move away from EVERYTHING i know in order to initiate the commencement of the next chapter in my life. I also recently came across my 23rd birthday. With everything occurring at the same time, it seemed to me that the celebration of my birthday was completely overshadowed by my soon to be absence from my friends and family. Instead of being upset and sad about this, I suddenly realized that I was immensely blessed with so many friends and family that loved me. My closest friend informed me long ago that the road to your dreams is lonely one. I am more than excited to go on this journey and Im sure that this is where God wants me to be right now but I will always miss the relationships that I left behind…some temporarily and some for good. Another friend reminded me that its okay to be all about me right now in the most unselfish way. As nicki minaj said ” i came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive, to survive, to prosper, to rise…. get ready for it”. I have a vision for my life and this is my plan that I’m putting in action. i believe that a vision without a plan is a mere hallucination. For all of you that know how to run your mouth about all the money your gonna make by being the next Drake or Michael Vic or Lebron … well I’m not saying its impossible but I am saying its time to get a plan because selling your moms old shoes on ebay is not going to get you featured on the next episode of MTV cribs. So pull up your pants and learn proper english and for the love of God please say goodbye to those sandals because you haven’t made it yet and nobody is taking you seriously.  And ladies, chances are your sugar daddy will say good bye to you for his wife and kids and your video vixen days are coming to an end..Lil Wayne barely paid his child support last week.. just sayin.  Why is it that what we forget that the same thing we are looking for in a man (job, ambitions, stability, car) is the same thing men are looking for in us. Its time to shape up and be noticed for the right reasons. When people or important people look at you, what do they really see? Everyone makes first judgements and gives first impressions. All I’m saying is present yourself how you’d like to see yourself in your future. We are young right now but so was Mark Zuckerberg when he made a plan or “stole an idea” (still controversial) to make a social networking site that would make him a billionaire.  Remember that in life we keep learning and wisdom comes with growing. 

Ive surrounded myself with the best possible friends i could ever ask for. They motivate me to be a better me. They are a detrimental part to the story I am able to tell today. Yes I did have to say a momentary goodbye to them but we are all excited about our futures. That is why when I said my first goodbyes at my birthday party , i was so excited and grateful because I wouldn’t be where I am today without these people that give me advice, correct me when I’m wrong, and laugh with me till I cry. I just want to say thank you for encouraging me in my aspirations of designing and becoming a great respectable business woman. 

When leaving a situation, it is important to make a statement by making a dramatic exit. I'm just hoping my exit was unforgettable .

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